Vega Medien – Cava Brut

1.490 kr.

Vega Medien – Cava Brut – 0,0 Alcohol Free – 0.75 Ltr. – Blanco

Brand ;Vega Medien
Title : Cava Brut
Class ; 0,0 Alcohol Free
Region ; Valencia
Country ; Spain
Color ; Blanco
Alcohol ; 0.00 %
Ltr. 0.75

Tasting Notes

Straw yellow colour with green undertones. Fine and lively bubbles. Notions of white stone fruit and citrus on the nose. Nice balance between sugars and acids, making it pleasant and always refreshing. The finish is quite long and confirms its remarkably balanced qualities. 

How it’s Made

Macabeo and Sauvignon Blanc offer a fresh and tasty wine. The alcohol is extracted from the wine under vacuum and at low temperature to preserve its pure and aromatic character as much as possible. Demi sec dosed.

199 á lager

Vörunúmer: 10050 Flokkar: ,


About the Producer

Part of the Cavas Marevia company run by the Hevia Ferrer family, practicing organic agriculture and certified by Wineries for Climate Protection.

Region  Notes

Vega Medien is from Requena, inland from Valencia on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. The winemaking tradition of this Valencian region dates back to ancient times: archaeological remnants demonstrate that wine production in Utiel-Requena is among the oldest in the world, dating back to the Iberian period, indicating that a robust winemaking tradition has existed for more than 2,400 years.

The climate is not only continental (long hot, dry summers and cold winters) but one of the most severe of all the Spanish grape growing regions. Frosts and hailstones are frequent in winter and drought common in summer. Temperatures can reach a maximum of 40°C in summer and drop to a minimum of -10°C in winter. Nevertheless, the vines are well adapted to such a climate and there is a Mediterranean influence due to the closeness of the sea (only 70 km as the crow flies) and the cool wind, known as the Solano, helps to keep temperatures down.

Um vínið

Áferðin er nokkuð löng og staðfestir ótrúlega yfirvegaða eiginleika þess.

Tilvalið sem áfengislaus fordrykkur en einnig með léttum réttum eins og hrísgrjónaborðum, sjávarfangi, pizzum eða mjúkum ostum.

Víngarðarnir eru staðsettir í 700m hæð, sem þýðir að mikill munur er á dag- og næturhita. Á kvöldin kólna víngarðarnir, sem gefur vínunum meiri lífleika og ferska sýru.

Jarðvegurinn samanstendur aðallega af kalksteini, merg og nokkrum sandsteini. Jarðvegur með góða vatnsstjórnun sem heldur vatni á löngum þurrktímabilum.

Macabeo og Sauvignon blanc gefa ferskt og bragðgott vín. Alkóhólið er unnið úr víninu í lofttæmi og við lágt hitastig til að varðveita hreinan og arómatískan karakter þess eins og hægt er. Demi Sec skammtaður.